Embracing Poetry in The Face of Fear

Embracing Poetry in The Face of Fear

Photo by Brion K. Hanks

Whenever we feel various emotions like fear, embracing poetry can sometimes be the best way to deal with it. With the help of poetry, let us learn how to embark on a life-changing journey.

Embracing poetry may only be for some, but anyone can do it. Regardless if you are a writer or not, poems are easy to appreciate for how they evoke emotion in various ways. For instance, the thought-provoking poetry that Brion K. Hanks wrote for every person who doesn’t know shows any safe outlet for expressing their feelings.

Poetry has robust characteristics that define our humanity. It manages to capture the images that other literary forms fail to do. Being raw and upfront about our fears means that we are open to being loved and, at the same time, hurt from all sides. Still, poetry can empathize with us and acknowledge how life makes us feel.

Embracing poetry to Find Your Way

Brion K. Hanks believes in the healing power of poetry as a source of strength and inspiration. In one of his poems entitled ‘Find Your Way,’ readers find solace in that life can cause fear and sorrow. After all, we cannot linger too much on what has happened. At the same time, we can still feel afraid while taking a leap of faith so we can all move forward from the past that haunts us.

If you think about it, life is about you and your choice, so we must have exemplary boldness to navigate the art of faithful giving. When we naturally develop confidence after finding solace in embracing poetry, we understand that we can return to where we truly belong.

Brion K. Hanks is honored to share his thoughts and vulnerabilities by embracing poetry. In his books ‘When the Rose Fades’ and ‘Tales of a Traveler in Poetry and Prose: Along the Road Before Me,’ we can feel that we are not alone in our fears. Though the future is bleak and blurry, living and learning through the past and present while embracing poetry can provide the strength we need.

Traveling through our fears by embracing poetry

Our ability to connect with literary works on an emotional level is something that is both magical and mysterious. Brion K. Hanks’ masterpieces that depict how we can be the best and worst versions of ourselves on most days reveal our humanness.

That is why ‘When the Rose Fades,’ a book about poetry for all ages, encourages us to walk down the unknown road and recognize the significance of life. Each day may be difficult to power through, but embracing poetry in the face of fear is part of our growth journey. It hardly matters how much we leave a trace in this world when it’s time to go. 

We can find something more valuable than gold in embracing poetry, even if we make mistakes, trust the wrong people, and hurt someone and ourselves. That is the beauty of this literary form. You naturally find yourself in a daze as to how poetry can understand us on an otherworldly level because it feels like an intimate conversation with a friend. And Brion K. Hanks understands that well.

Our learnings that stem from life experiences may make us fearless at most, but embracing poetry can make us brave. And that is undoubtedly better than pretending that there is nothing to be afraid of. Human as we are, we can still worry about many things and make a difference in our lives.

Final Thoughts

Emitting feelings or emotions is integral in the poems that we read. Additionally, it elevates the mundane aspects of life, unlike what we have seen before. Embracing poetry unveils a glimpse of untarnished truth. That is why, even in fear, we can find comfort in knowing that poetry allows us to open up and be as vulnerable as possible.

It’s okay to disregard the technical aspects for a little bit. The point of embracing poetry is to wring your heart out, especially when you are afraid and anxious. Whether you can pinpoint them or not, poems have the power you need to express them freely and empathize with those who feel the same.

Do you feel inspired and encouraged by the power of embracing poetry? Do check out Brion K. Hanks’ poetic masterpieces on his website. If you want to know more about the healing power of poetry, please visit www.brionkhanks-poetry.com/.