Healing the Unseen Wounds through Rhythm and Verse

Rhythm and Verse are potent vehicles for communication

Photo by Brion K. Hanks

Brion K. Hanks writes wonderful and soothing poetry for family, friends and his fellow humans, compiled in the anthologies: Tales of a Traveler in Poetry and Prose and When The Rose Fades.

More than just a string of words and a mosaic of sounds, poetry is a wonderful tool and teacher for starting, establishing, and maintaining human relationships. Through his poetry, Brion always wants to share heart to heart and spirit to spirit. He believes that people can discover realizations within themselves in a space that is both safe and non-judgmental, and which is neither limiting nor singular. Poetry is a vital and vibrant space for individuals and groups to imagine ways of being better humans and more. To that end, Brion firmly believes in the healing power of poetry.

These effectual qualities in poetic form are displayed brilliantly and beautifully in the most recent works of Brion K. Hanks, who manages to paint a reflective world in his folksy but thought-provoking verses. His poetry and prose touch on human emotion regarding love and loss, on living life in ways to make a positive difference in the world, and has plenty of  poetry for family and friends. His unadorned conversational style lends itself well to a wide range of diverse subjects. Every reader can find something within Brion’s poetry and prose to connect with and which can be helpful to themself or someone they think of  which then allows the opportunity to share and make a difference in the life of someone else. Sharing is caring and that is a good thing.

The Comfort of Rhythm and Verse

Poetry is a potent vehicle for communication. It allows for ways to convey emotions and ideas that speak directly to an individual in a way that accounts for the fluidity of thought and expression. It has the capacity to reach deep into the psyche of an individual and help them to fully express themselves without intrusion; it is simply a perfect and cathartic way to work through muddled feelings and possible unclear emotions. It provides a creative outlet for frustrations, contentions, triumphs, and everything beyond or in between. 

What makes poetry such a compelling medium for liberation is its ability to draw from the experience of not just one person but a multitude. It can be thought-provoking, inspirational, and freeing in ways that can help one move forward with their life. As something that is based on the primal and innate human faculty for language, poetry supersedes any category regardless of the poetry style. And that is why poetry is such a potent tool for self-help and can serve in a positive way for spiritual elevation.

The importance of poetry hinges on its ability to help individuals comprehend the world around them and appreciate the marvelous wonders of the natural universe, and it allows for introspection. Also, it can ease readers into opening up about their own vulnerabilities and nudge them to reach out to others for help if needed and or to help those they contact. By embracing the human condition through poetry, people can learn about themselves and empathize with others. 

The Works of Brion K. Hanks

The writings of Brion K. Hanks endeavor to resonate on a human level, be thought-provoking, connect with the intent to comfort, and be a reflection of his honest convictions towards humanity. He is a poet profoundly concerned with the human condition, studying and exploring mainly the subjects of love and loss, two seemingly contradictory concepts that are, in fact, intertwined and reciprocal as if mere sides of the same coin. Unconditional love is wonderful to experience, and loss is better understood when felt–these are some of the themes that can be deeply felt and do permeate throughout much of Brion K Hanks’ poetry and prose. 

The first anthology of writing from Brion K. Hanks is the lyrical work When The Rose Fades; a thorough probing of the twin realities of life and death, focused on the feelings of those dying and or those left behind, and his personal experiences with Hospice. He has been a Hospice Volunteer since 2017.

In Tales of a Traveler in Poetry and Prose, Brion K. Hanks shares openly the results of his meditation upon human experiences, the world he sees beyond himself, as well as life lessons learned, and views himself as a timeless traveler who follows the light of a star that is available to all.

May you be inspired and willing to make a difference where you can as a result of connecting with Brion’s poetry and prose. The degree does not matter. It is in the doing. He wishes you great strides as you travel this journey we call life. The ultimate goal is right human relations.

I am not today

Who I was yesterday.

I am today not

Who I’ll be tomorrow.

Even so, there is no sorrow.

Excerpt from This Is My Life, Tales of a Traveler in Poetry and Prose

Brion invites you to go to his website: www.BrionKHanks-Poetry.com, as a means to get a good sense of him, his poetry and purchase his two books. He believes that sharing is caring.