Mother’s Day Acknowledged

Mother's Day

Photo by Vlada Karpovich

Author/Poet, Brion K Hanks, herewith shares a poem entitled “Dear Mom and Dad” which he wrote in 2003 but viewed as important for acknowledging his mother, Norma, who passed away on February 15, 2023 at the age of 96. This poem can be found in Brion’s second book of poetry entitled: Tales of a Traveler in Poetry and Prose. His website: will provide you with a great sense of Brion K Hanks’ style of poetry that is intended to be thought-provoking, inspirational  and shared to make a difference in the lives of his fellow human beings.

Mother’s Day is a day that deserves to be celebrated to the fullest. While Brion’s mother is now gone, he states that he learned important life lessons from her that serve him well even to today.

Brion and his siblings cherish the memory of celebrating their mother’s life last summer. She was the center of attention on a warm, sunny day when the family had a picnic in her front yard. It was an important day as she would go on Hospice a short time later, yet bravely facing her end of life challenges.

Brion K Hanks has been a Hospice Volunteer since 2017 for Partners In Care based out of Bend, Oregon, and was his own Mother’s Hospice Volunteer until the end of her life. He shares that his mom had a full life where she had years of dedicated volunteering as a Hospice Volunteer and a volunteer at the NICU in Grand Junction, CO. Brion’s Dad always told him that his mother was an “…awesome person in the way that she attended to babies and young children…”

Brion happily shares his poem “Dear Mom and Dad” and hopes that you, the reader, connect in a good way regarding your own mother.

Dear Mom and Dad

Once when I was but a thought in your minds,
You conceived me as a wanted child.
I am that child, not meek and not mild.

Having come to know myself and my state of mind,
There is total acceptance in my heart of hearts
For my course that has had new starts.

While it began in your womb dear Mom,
Where the first nurturing took hold in me,
It was once born that I was set free.

Those early childhood years passed in a flash.
Yet, to a large extent I have grown with no fears,
And feel blessed because your tears are now cheers. 

While there were times that I caused undo stress,
Those frailties and flaws which I must allude 
Have taught me to have sincere gratitude.

My youthful self becomes a light in bloom,
Forever in search of the greater good.
I’m grateful as I knew you understood.

From your child’s heart, thank you for my life.
You have contributed to my reward.
Now, with my young spirit, I shall turn toward.

Because I am, absolutely, who I am,
I make no excuses and have few regrets even today,
As I stay the course, come what may.

While lessons learned have been sometimes harsh,
They are what have led to the growth of my spirit.
And, Mom and Dad, I just wanted you to hear it.

When my earthly distance run comes to a close
My hope is that I leave a lasting legacy for all time
And venture on in pursuit of taller mountains to climb.

The greatest journey is now happily joined.
So, there is no reason to be sad.
I love you Mom; I love you Dad.


Brion closes with, “Happy Mother’s Day Mom. Your journey has now moved from the seen to the unseen. Onward and upward. See you when I see you…”

Brion K Hanks invites you to visit him at

Brion closes with, “Happy Mother’s Day Mom. Your journey has now moved from the seen to the unseen. Onward and upward. See you when I see you…”

Brion K Hanks invites you to visit him at