How Poetry Frees Your Soul: Why Poetry Nourishes Our Soul

fountain pen and page how poetry frees your soul

Photo by Álvaro Serrano

Learning how poetry frees your soul is vital for anyone looking to live fully and experience what life offers.

Brion K. Hanks writes poetry that heals the soul, which everyone can easily read by getting a copy of his poem book “Tales of a Traveler in Poetry and Prose” and “When the Rose Fades.” With Brion’s poems, people can reconcile or heal parts of their souls that have been damaged. Caring for our souls is essential, so reading poems can heal or nourish one’s spirit.

Today, we’ll go ahead and take a look at the reasons why our souls can benefit from poetry.

Reason #1: Poetry Is Curative for the One Writing

Biblio/Poetry is a creative arts treatment that uses written language to comprehend and express emotions and ideas. Poetry is usually brief yet heavily sentimental. Authors connect with emotions they may not have known existed until they put them on paper.

One can comprehend the barriers and blocks constructed around one’s head through poetry. Depression and anxiety are two of the most common mental ailments treated with biblio-therapy. It’s hard to put feelings into words. Poetry is, in our opinion, one of the most effective forms of expression.

Here’s a sample of one of Mr. Hanks’s poem:

Reason #2: Poetry Aids Us To Understand Ourselves

Writing poems is one of the best ways to deal with internal struggles and conflicts. The environment around you becomes slower. With its lyrical approach, it calms your body and condenses your ideas into concise, direct statements.

Poetry provokes thought, highlights potential problems, and compels you to provide a reasoned, systematic response. It can also help you discover aspects of yourself that you’ve always wanted to know but were unaware of.

Nothing is more depressing than not knowing how valuable you are, yet nothing is more powerful than fully grasping who you are. You can get that power from poetry.

Reason #3: Poetry Is Great for a Person’s Developmental Learning

Children’s written and spoken abilities are slightly underdeveloped in education. Poetry aids in teaching rhythm; putting words in tandem with a beat improves vocabulary and a sense of place.

It also teaches children how to use creativity to express themselves, which most people feel the modern school system severely lacks. Essentially, poetry provides individuals with an excellent instrument for personal growth.

Development and growth are the secrets to how poetry frees your soul. Poetry that heals the soul will make the process of developmental learning a great experience that we won’t soon forget. This is certainly one of the best reasons why poetry is good for the soul.

Reason #4: Poetry Aids Everyone To Understand Others

Understanding one another is one of the challenges of the modern era. Misunderstandings and poor communication cause a great deal of frustration. Reading and creating poetry actually strengthens individuals’ capacity to understand others.

As a writer, you must be able to explain to an unidentified reader what your writing actually is. This entails going in-depth with the passages you want people to comprehend. Every emotion you want people to experience and the takeaways will continue to speak to them long after they finish reading. Seated in one’s subconscious allows for it to resurface when appropriate.

Reading poetry helps you develop empathy for other people by allowing you to see inside their heads. Respectable communication is essentially about being able to sympathize and express opinions. Sharing heart to heart and soul to soul is a great part of right human relations.

Knowing How Poetry Frees Your Soul, Allows you To Be Free Today

With the Digital Age becoming increasingly complex, it’s important to nourish your soul. Do so by reading poetry that heals the soul from your favorite poets and grab a copy of Brion K. Hanks’s “Tales of a Traveler in Poetry and Prose” and “When the Rose Fades.”

Check out other blogs, too, and discover poetry books to read while traveling and for avid travelers! Brion’s two books will serve you well as you travel.